
Organized a workshop on dual identity and biculturalism
The DUALNETS team has organized a workshop where researchers in the Netherlands working on the topics of dual identity and biculturalism have presented ...

Paper accepted for publication
At the end of August, Anniek Schlette’s first paper of her PhD has been accepted for publication in the special issue “Multicultural identities in context: ...
Presentations at “dag van de sociologie”
Mid-June, Tom Nijs and Tobias Stark presented their DUALNETS work at the annual meeting of the Dutch and Flemish Sociological Association in Nijmegen. Tom ...

Presentations at SUNBELT conference
At the end of June 2024, Lexin Chen, Tobias Stark and Anniek Schlette attended the SUNBELT conference in Edinburgh. Lexin presented her work on the role of ...
ICS spring day
On June 20st 2024, Lexin Chen and Angelos Dimonisaris presented their work on dual identifiers to members of the Interuniversity Center for Social Science ...
Excellent Horizon Europe evaluations
The Horizon Europe consortium led by Tobias Stark received excellent evaluations for their research proposal. The evaluation committee scored the proposal ...

Guest lecture at University College Utrecht
Tom Nijs gave a guest lecture at University College Utrecht on his work on perceptions of dual national-ethnic belonging. It was part of the course ...
Consortium leadership
Tobias Stark led a consortium of scholars and societal partners from 7 European countries in writing a Horizon Europe grant proposal. Amongst many other ...

Presentation at IMISCOE Conference on understanding dual ascriptions
On the 5th of July 2023, Anniek Schlette presented her work on understanding causes of adolescents’ ethnic-national dual ascriptions at the IMISCOE ...

Presentation at Migration and Societal Change conference
On Friday 23rd of June 2023, Anniek presented her work on understanding causes of adolescents’ ethnic-national dual ascriptions at the Migration and ...